Pharmacist Support has issued a call for volunteers to become trustees.
As the profession’s charity, Pharmacist Support relies heavily on a dedicated team of volunteers to support its work and at the beginning of 2021, it announced plans to enhance its volunteer schemes to ensure that they reflect the diverse experiences, backgrounds and needs of all in their pharmacy family. In recognition of Volunteers Week last week, the charity has kickstarted its volunteer focused activity with the announcement of four trustee vacancies and an opportunity for anyone interested to get involved.
Pharmacist Support is looking to recruit the four to join its board, up to three of whom could be pharmacists, with the remaining positions filled by lay trustees (individuals from outside the world of pharmacy who bring key skills and life experiences). Interested applicants would need to be able to commit to approximately a day of their time per month for quarterly board and subcommittee meetings, however for officers and committee members, this may be higher.
“This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone with a passion for supporting people across our pharmacy family,” commented Pharmacist Support Chief Executive, Danielle Hunt.
“As an organisation, we not only want to ensure our services reflect the needs of and are accessible to all in our pharmacy family, but that the makeup and skills of our team also reflect this diversity. We’re keen to highlight that ‘lived’ experience is more important than previous board or trustee experience as full training will be given. With an exciting five-year strategy in place, the charity is in a really exciting period of development. We encourage anyone who feels they could contribute to our dynamic and innovative charity, to get in touch.”
Further information can be found at The closing date for applications is Monday, August 2, 2021 at midday.
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