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Pioneering natural health company BetterYou has developed a scientifically magnesium chloride and calcium supplement for those who want to maximise their bone health conveniently and effectively. Peak bone mineral density is reached during your mid-twenties. After the age of 35 bone loss increases gradually as part of the natural ageing process. BetterYou’s new Magnesium Bone Lotion supports bone health with ...

Reacting to increasing concern about the levels of colouring agents, preservatives and fillers included in natural supplements, Solaray has rolled out a range of organic, excipient-free herbs. The new range will sit alongside the company’s other recent launch of organic fermented mushrooms, predicted to be a key food trend for 2018. Products included in Solaray’s organic, excipient-free herb range include ...

Emani cosmetics are the result of a transformational journey of its founder Michelle Doan, who has suffered from cystic acne and sensitive skin her entire life. As a professional make-up artist and frustrated with the way mainstream cosmetics only exacerbated her skin issues, Michelle set out to create a line of clean, glamorous make-up suitable for even the most discriminating and ...

Comvita has introduced a range of soothing manuka honey elixirs and lozenges to help consumers stay healthy this winter. The new range includes different key ingredients in every product to provide soothing relief and support from the very first sign of a cold through to treatment and recovery. The new Elixir range is made using a blend of Comvita manuka, ...

New from Proto-Col is Osteo+, a natural formulation of chondroitin, glucosamine, hyaluronic acid and hydrolysed collagen for joint and arthritis sufferers. Hydrolysed collagen contributes to improving skin toning and thickening, joint rebuilding, arterial strengthening, increased energy and organ rebuilding. Hyaluronic acid improves skin’s texture and appearance, along with reducing joint pain. Glucosamine provides more structure and strength, builds cartilage and ...

A new survey conducted by Enterosgel UK and published by Talkhealth [1] shows that stress, rather than food, is the main cause of sufferers’ IBS – with 34% saying stress triggered their IBS. Furthermore, almost 9 out of 10 (88%) said that their IBS stops them socialising at times. When asked about the effectiveness of the treatments they had tried, ...

Developed specifically to help a child’s delicate skin, HydraNure™ is natural, organic, absorbs easily and works quickly to help relieve dry, itchy and sensitive skin problems. Designed originally to control eczema in infants, HydraNure has been successful in tests carried out by the TalkHealth Partnership in conjunction with parents whose children had a variety of dry skin conditions, with 94% ...

Last month saw the UK launch of health supplement range Nature’s Bounty, which has been designed to help people with complicated schedules look after their health. Founded in 1971, Nature’s Bounty has nearly 50 years of expertise and is an established market leader in the US. Combining innovation with fine ingredients, the supplements are high quality, yet good value. The ...

The Active Hemp Skin Care and Health Supplement range of products from Carun are now distributed by Sigma Pharmaceuticals. “This is a great opportunity to reach customers with a portfolio of high grade complementary medicine products that really work. We have a loyal group of consumers who understand the benefits of Active Hemp and the power of personal experiences is ...

Urinary tract infections can make life a misery for many women and the chances of a woman getting a urinary tract infection and cystitis-like symptoms (UTI) at some time in their lives is high. Many women head straight for the GPs surgery to get a prescription for an antibiotic, but Bio-Health has introduced a natural alternative to meet this need. Cranberries ...